I’m posting this introduction by Malcolm Coulthard and Rui Sousa-Silva to a new journal. I haven’t read much of the first online edition myself yet.
We are delighted to announce the first issue of a new international bilingual bi-annual journal – Language and Law – Linguagem e Direito. The journal is electronic and available for everyone to download at http://ler.letras.up.pt/site/default.aspx?qry=id05id1444id2666&sum=sim .
Because Language and Law has no printing costs it can be extremely flexible to individual author’s requirements: not only can it publish quickly all the high quality articles it receives, but also it can cope with long appendices, reproduce illustrations, photographs and tables in colour, and embed
sound files and hyperlink as necessary.We chose the title Language and Law – Linguagem e Direito to indicate that we welcome articles across the whole spectrum of the discipline and from both practitioners and academic researchers. Thus, for example, this first issue includes contributions from a chief of police, a public prosecutor, a professional translator, a professional interpreter and two expert witnesses, as well as from academic lawyers and linguists.
There is an article by Maria Lúcia Gomes and Denise Carneiro about Forensic Phonetics in Brazil, and one by Alison Johnson and David Wright about authorship analysis. Rui Sousa-Silva writes about plagiarism by translation. Liz Carter about deceptive responses in police interviews, Marcos Ribeiro and Cristiane Fuzer about honour crimes, Edilson Vitorelli about the language rights of indigenous Brazilians. Gail Stygall analyses incomprehensible Jury Instructions while Débora Figueiredo examines representations of the crime of rape in Brazilian legal texts.
We hope you will want to become a regular reader of the journal – to do so you simply need to send an email to llldjournal@gmail.com with the word ‘SUBSCRIBE’ in the Subject line. Then you will receive automatically a link to each new issue of the journal as soon as it is published.
We hope that you will also want to share your own research with the wider academic community through the pages of our journal. If you wish to do so, please read the notes on submitting an article available at: http://www.linguisticaforense.pt/llldjournal-en.html.