From Langenhan, Rainer and Melanie, Internet für Juristen, 4th ed. 2003, ISBN 3 472 05106 X (Rainer Langenhan is the author of the HandAkte WebLAWg), a definition of wikis. I had seen wikipedia but didn’t realize what a wiki was. ‘Wikipedia is a multilingual project to create a complete and accurate open content encyclopedia. ‘
Wikipedia itself has a law section, and if you click on Deutsch, you get a German law page in real German, not (as one always fears now) a page of Babelfish MT gibberish.
I looked up equity, found the maxims, and was surprised by some of them.
Plain English has turned Equity aids the vigilant and not the indolent into Equity aids the vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights. Equity does not require an idle gesture was new to me, to say nothing of the law students’ summary in a final maxim (must be American).
There’s also a German law wiki. Some interesting notes on Aktenzeichen led me to rather painstaking allocation of cases in Saxony (Amtsgericht Dresden). When allocating cases by the parties’ last names:
‘Außer Betracht bleiben dabei
die Zusätze Abdel, Abu, al, auf dem, auf der, auf die, Ben, d, da, dal(a), dall(a), de, del, dell, delle, del la, della, di, do(s), du, el, la, le, lo, M, Mac, Mc, N, O, tel, tem, ten, ter, van, van de, van den, van der, van ten, van ter, vom, von, von dem, von der, von zu (m,r) und zu (m,r);
bei Doppelnamen der zweite Name.
Diese Regelung gilt ohne Rücksicht auf die Schreibweise und unabhängig davon, ob ein Bindestrich verwendet wird oder mehrere dieser Zusätze Bestandteil des Namens sind.’