The German Law Archive has two new English versions of family law statutes online: Gesetz zur Geltendmachung von Unterhaltsansprüchen im Verkehr mit Ausländischen Staaten (Auslandsunterhaltsgesetz – AUG) – Foreign Maintenance Act, and the
Gesetz über die Vermittlung der Annahme als Kind und über das Verbot der Vermittlung von Ersatzmüttern (Adoptionsvermittlungsgesetz AdVermiG) – Adoption Placement Act, both from the Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof.
We have a few family law questions for you.The questions are whether under German law, in the absence of a married couple’ agreement to the contrary:
The community property principle would apply as in Holland( In Holland, the “gemeenschap van goederen” applies, thereby the couple’s property of all kinds ( of the past, present or future) would jointly belong to the man and woman, after marriage, unless there is an agreement providing otherwise between the two before marriage( huwelijks voorwaarden).
Do the parties equally have the right to to divorce and child custody, should the marriage comes to an end?
Are there any particular disadvantages for a woman in German law as compared to the man’s rights?