How many did you have made? I did 100 from 50 pictures, which was probably too many. But you could have some of the ones that didn’t turn out too well!
Margaret, I have not heard that similar regulations about Impressum would exist in EU outside Germany. Even if they did, I would still not post my street address in the web as the German law requires. There are enough lunatics in my residential area who may or may not have read one of my blogs. I would certainly not want any of them banging my door on a late Friday evening, or at any time, for that matter.
I made another post trying to straighten out the confusion about the legal terminology. Even if I did use the term “sue” in a liberal way, it does not make my points less accurate. As for that comment author in Thomas’s blog, he has obviously every right to deliver critical points, but I am not in the habbit of discussing my competence with somebody who chooses to question it in a practically anonymously posted comment.
Larko (whoever you are!): I agree one shouldn’t really engage with commenters who don’t identify themselves, but as you had in fact engaged with this commenter, I commented on using ‘sue’. Only someone trying to be critical would object to this, since the Abmahnung is the beginning of a process that may go to court.
About the EU: the problem, as you say, is with lawyers and judges, but without the law they couldn’t do anything. The Electronic Commerce Directive 00/31/EC has probably been implemented in Finland too (see earlier entry. But does it apply to bloggers? The situation in Germany is that if someone decides to send a blogger an Abmahnung, the blogger may prefer to give in.
Be it as it may with the EU regulations, I have not seen a single blog outside the German blogosphere that would flag with the geographical position of the blogger. It would also be practically impossible to enforce such regulations. I do not even remember how many blogs I have but none of them resides in a Finnish server so anybody in Finland would have hard time trying to sue me.
I have a number of blogs based in Estonia. As far as I know, the Estonian legislation does not include the compulsory Impressum. My true identity is more or less common knowledge in Estonia and could easily be established with some googling. :-)
‘Be it as it may’ – What I said was that this is an EU directive and it has probably been put into effect in most EU jurisdictions. It may well not apply to blogs, in theory. I didn’t say you would find the Impressum much in that form outside Germany. In the UK you should find a legal notice, and not necessarily on blogs. So I don’t see where we disagree. The reasons in Germany have to do with the possibility and practice of suing someone who just might be contravening the law.
I do not see us disagree either. One can also post a comment to agree on something, not just to disagree. :-) I just wanted to make the point that whatever the EU directives say and whatever specific legislation is adopted in the member countries, it does not necessarily have any effect at all on the actual practices. Germany is exceptional for the very reason you are pointing out.
Margaret, would you like to exchange some Moo cards? I feel the disgusting urge to collect them…. ;-)
How many did you have made? I did 100 from 50 pictures, which was probably too many. But you could have some of the ones that didn’t turn out too well!
I have 100 from 5 pictures. I could send you a couple and you could send me maybe a couple of yours. You can say no, of course. :-)
Niiiice. I keep getting tempted to order new ones with better designs…
>>When your dog does anything you want to break him of, you wait till he does it, and then beat him for it.
That sounds a lot kinder than what German lawyers do to some bloggers.
Margaret, I have not heard that similar regulations about Impressum would exist in EU outside Germany. Even if they did, I would still not post my street address in the web as the German law requires. There are enough lunatics in my residential area who may or may not have read one of my blogs. I would certainly not want any of them banging my door on a late Friday evening, or at any time, for that matter.
I made another post trying to straighten out the confusion about the legal terminology. Even if I did use the term “sue” in a liberal way, it does not make my points less accurate. As for that comment author in Thomas’s blog, he has obviously every right to deliver critical points, but I am not in the habbit of discussing my competence with somebody who chooses to question it in a practically anonymously posted comment.
Larko (whoever you are!): I agree one shouldn’t really engage with commenters who don’t identify themselves, but as you had in fact engaged with this commenter, I commented on using ‘sue’. Only someone trying to be critical would object to this, since the Abmahnung is the beginning of a process that may go to court.
About the EU: the problem, as you say, is with lawyers and judges, but without the law they couldn’t do anything. The Electronic Commerce Directive 00/31/EC has probably been implemented in Finland too (see earlier entry. But does it apply to bloggers? The situation in Germany is that if someone decides to send a blogger an Abmahnung, the blogger may prefer to give in.
Be it as it may with the EU regulations, I have not seen a single blog outside the German blogosphere that would flag with the geographical position of the blogger. It would also be practically impossible to enforce such regulations. I do not even remember how many blogs I have but none of them resides in a Finnish server so anybody in Finland would have hard time trying to sue me.
I have a number of blogs based in Estonia. As far as I know, the Estonian legislation does not include the compulsory Impressum. My true identity is more or less common knowledge in Estonia and could easily be established with some googling. :-)
‘Be it as it may’ – What I said was that this is an EU directive and it has probably been put into effect in most EU jurisdictions. It may well not apply to blogs, in theory. I didn’t say you would find the Impressum much in that form outside Germany. In the UK you should find a legal notice, and not necessarily on blogs. So I don’t see where we disagree. The reasons in Germany have to do with the possibility and practice of suing someone who just might be contravening the law.
I do not see us disagree either. One can also post a comment to agree on something, not just to disagree. :-) I just wanted to make the point that whatever the EU directives say and whatever specific legislation is adopted in the member countries, it does not necessarily have any effect at all on the actual practices. Germany is exceptional for the very reason you are pointing out.