Video-Podcast von Kanzlei Dr. Bahr, heute Das neue Telemediengesetz
A vodcast on the new German Telemedia Act: the text is graphically illustrated practically down to the last word. You can tell it’s German by the illustration of ‘Abwarten und Tee trinken’, which shows a teabag with a deep pink tisane being dunked in a water glass. The relentless visuals are often helpful in following the ideas, but always amusing.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Werner Siebers presents less artificial videos in which he can be seen in full colour, first addressing the viewer, then reading a text located somewhere outside the top left of the monitor, and then addressing the viewer again in conclusion. Rechtsanwalt Siebers in Farbe und bunt zu einer Entscheidung des Landgerichts Magdeburg is the first. This is an excellent opportunity to see a German law blogger in 3D. Had Kanzlei Dr. Bahr had the latest Siebers vodcast theme, the case of a man fined for taking a bite out of a sausage in a supermarket and putting it back, heaven knows what they would have done with the visuals.
The introduction to the feature comes last.