It’s widely believed in Germany that garden gnomes are a purely German phenomenon. Paint your own gnome tells it like it is. (Available on U.S. sites too) The crocodile pond floater is attractive too, but more expensive.
Musical cake slice – plays Happy Birthday to You while you serve the cake – or one of three other tunes.
Musikalischer Tortenheber auch hier.
(Both recommended by Susan Hill)
I thought the Dutch were the gnome fanatics of Europe Margaret … isn’t that true?
Na, herzlichen Gl
Hip hip hooray!
Duh, nut :-)
Happy Happy!
Happy anniversary! And many happy returns!
Cheers! *opening the fifth beer* :-)
Many thanks to all wellwishers. I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for five years and it still isn’t what it was supposed to be – that is, full of short, well-thought-through, relevant entries. Somehow I only found time to write rambling entries and post photos of F
Na, da stellen Sie aber Ihr Licht gehoerig unter den Scheffel! Transblawg ist seit je eine wertvolle Bereicherung der Internetlandschaft. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!
Besten Dank!