The BDÜ, the German translators’ and interpreters’ association (there are others) wants its members to answer a questionnaire from the German Ministry of Justice about their prices. This is in connection with an amendment of the JVEG, the Gesetz über die Vergütung von Sachverständigenn, Dolmetscherinnen, Dolmetschern, Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzern sowie die Entschädigung von ehrenamtlichen Richterinnen, ehrenamtlichen Richtern, Zeuginnen, Zeugen und Dritten (I think that’s what they call the long name). The laudable idea is that the Ministry should not believe we all work for peanuts, or get its information from big agencies and the Yellow Pages.
The BDÜ certainly keeps tags on its members who have not yet got round to consenting to this. Not much privacy there.
After I agreed for my name and details to be passed on:
Ihre Entscheidung wurde registriert und wird bei der Weitergabe der Daten an das Bundesjustizministerium berücksichtigt.
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This is ridiculous! Why do they allow me to follow their RSS feed? I only went online on July 28 in order to answer a message.
I suppose most professional associations are a bit backward when it comes to the Internet, but I could do without this irritation.
“Bis zum Ende”, too, surely?
Oh dear! That wasn’t me, either – I just copied and pasted.
They had a ‘provisional’ page up recently in bad English, I gather. But of course, people in the office aren’t always linguists.