German law blogs can take part on October 6, which is apparently German-American Day. This is a day when Americans put on their Lederhosen and pretend they are in Munich, I believe.
Any German blawgs that would like to be showcased and linked next Monday presumably have to have an entry written in English (?). They can submit this by Saturday October 4 but ideally even earlier.
Blawg Review explains itself on its site. I am probably not the person to explain it. It is a kind of blog carnival.
Here is an earlier Blawg Review, hosted on the New York Personal Injury Law Blog and based on the New York Marathon (with a link to the longest urinal in the world).
Here is the gen on Blawg Review for German American Day.
And here is the LawPundit blog where Blawg Review will appear, perhaps in a later time zone than CET.
The host of Blawg Review in this case is Andis Kaulins, an American lawyer who has taught American law, legal writing and legal research at Trier University and also translates. I imagine one has to hope that Andis will showcase one’s submission.
You will note that LawPundit blog offers Google automatic translation into German, thus:
Bavarian State Elections Point to Populist Turmoil in German Politics : Free Voters Coalition Comes out of Nowhere to Win 10% of the Bavarian Vote
Bayerische Staatsoper Wahlen Point-to-Populistische Turbulenzen in der deutschen Politik: Freie Wähler Koalition kommt aus dem Nichts zu Win 10% der bayerischen AbstimmungThe populist emergence of Sarah Palin of Alaska as the Vice-Presidential nominee of the Republican Party in America is not an isolated phenomenon of the USA.
Die populistische Auftreten von Sarah Palin von Alaska als Vize-Präsidentschafts-Kandidat der Republikanischen Partei in Amerika ist kein isoliertes Phänomen der USA.
I think I might take Gabriele Pauli over Sarah Palin.
The funny thing is, lots of German blogs appear in English, or a form thereof, but those are directed at readers outside Germany, whereas German law blogs tend to be in German – it makes sense to me!
But Blawg Review would be glad to have more German law blogs linked.
(Entry corrected after publication on account of a number of errors)