Legal translation online/Juristische Übersetzung online

Handakte WebLAWg reports on a new online legal translation company, Tolingo.

They describe their translators as qualifiziert und zertifiziert. They also have geprüfte Lektoren.

I couldn’t help noticing this:

Die Drei Punke
Ihre Texte werden dreifach geprüft: linguistisch, stilistisch und fachlich.

I see they use translation memory, unlike many legal translators. They need to be very careful about the quality of their memory, of course, and also consider the copyright aspects.

Das elektronische Gehirn
Unser Translation Memory System garantiert die `richtige´ Terminologie in jeder Fachrichtung.

Tolingo also has a blog, with a photo of the ‘Team’ of ‘tolinguisten’. They say they pay translators for DE/EN (both directions?) from seven to eleven eurocents per word.

11 thoughts on “Legal translation online/Juristische Übersetzung online

  1. Die waren mir auch schon aufgefallen, zuerst durch ihre beeindruckende SEO-Kampagne (muss richtig Geld hinterstecken!). Ich wollte denen schon mal was unterjubeln und hab es dann irgendwie erschlafen.

    Link erlaubt?

    Nehme jetzt Dein Post zum Anlass, es doch noch zu tun.

  2. Hi Margaret,
    I just posted my own impression of the book fair, along with a couple of photos and a video. It was nice to meet you there. Next time we should plan a longer chat. As you can see in my ‘report’, I had a long day yesterday, but it was fun. I would never stay in Frankfurt for the whole duration of the fair, though. :-)

  3. I will suggest them to the bloke who runs the chapel of the plumbers and electricians in the cloisters of Barcelona cathedral. At the moment there’s still quite a lot of wax about.

    • I have a feeling it’s a misnomer to sell them as Teelichter. If you put them in a teawarming device, the glass ‘flame’ would break off. And they are probably not as warm as the real thing. Still, no wax (they’re probably working on that).

  4. But you can get the real (i. e. wax) thing already, complete with Pustefunktion! (Does that mean they’re actually self-extinguishing? The mind boggles.) Anyway, why not get the special remote control into the bargain – I kid ye not! Dem Ingeni

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