When Germans buy a mincer (US meat grinder, DE Fleischwolf), they are anxious to ensure that it has an attachment for making piped biscuits (DE Spritzgebäck).
When Germans buy a mincer (US meat grinder, DE Fleischwolf), they are anxious to ensure that it has an attachment for making piped biscuits (DE Spritzgebäck).
The Cookie attachment is great to have on a meat grinder. I think it’s the pre-runner of modern cookie extruders, and it’s a great help when you have to bake a lot of cookies for Christmas. But attachments aren’t everything, quality is probably the most important factor when buying a meat grinder. My mother had an old Alexanderwerk grinder (with cookie attachment, of course), and although they were simple, you can still find fully-functioning grinders out there today. I was shopping for a new meat grinder the other day, but could not find anything in stores that matched the quality and craftsmanship. They looked like a rough cast that had never seen a polishing machine and simply applied a tin coat. I would never put my food through something like that. If you want to buy a good-quality new meat grinder, buy one that’s made from stainless steel, because it won’t rust. They cost more than the average grinder, but they’ll save you money and headaches in the long run.
I did get a stainless steel one. I have no idea what a modern cookie extruder is and I don’t have to bake a lot of biscuits for Christmas. But I am now fully equipped to extrude them.
Does anyone know where I can buy an Apfelextrudel?
Oh good, a new Internet pseudonym for me.