I recently received a copy of an article from Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, Vertragssprache und Sprache des anwendbaren Rechts, by Rechtsanwalt Dr. Dr. h.c. Georg Maier-Reimer, the co-publisher. This was based on a talk given by the author at the Anwaltstag in May.
There are two statements in this article I can’t agree with. One of them is on p. 2549:
Die aufschiebende Bedingung wird üblicherweise mi “condition precedent” übersetzt, das ist wohl richtig. Die auflösende Bedingung wird aber als Gegenstück häufig mit “condition subsequent” übersetzt, und das ist falsch. Denn eine “condition subsequent” ist eine Bedingung, die nach der Transaktion eintreten muss, wenn die Wirkung der Transaktion bestehen bleiben soll. Sie ist also das Gegenteil einer auflösenden Bedingung oder die auflösende Bedingung mit umgekehrtem Vorzeichen: Der Nicht-Eintritt der condition subsequent ist auflösende Bedingung. Die Kategorie der auflösenden Bedingung in unserem Sinne scheint so im Common Law nicht zu geben. Deshalb sollte man, wenn man eine auflösende Bedingung meint, bewusst eine im Common Law ungebräuchliche Formulierung wählen, zum Beispiel “resolutive condition” oder “dissolving condition”, und diese sollte man besser noch durch einen Klammerzusatz mit dem detschen Terminus ergänzen, oder man sollte den Effekt des Bedingungseintritts ausdrücklich regeln.
(Aufschiebende Bedingung is usually translated as ‘condition precedent’, which is correct. Auflösende Bedingung is often translated as ‘condition subsequent’, and this is wrong. For a condition subsequent is a condition which has to occur after the transaction if the effect of the translation is to coninue in effect. It is therefore the opposite of auflösende Bedingung: if the condition subsequent does not occur, this is the auflösende Bedingung. The latter in our sense seems not to exist in the common law. So when one writes English one should translate auflösende Bedingung as ‘resolutive condition’ or ‘dissolving condition’, and add the German term in brackets, or else the effect of the occurrence of the condition should be expressly agreed.)
This paragraph was marked by a customer who wanted to avoid using ‘condition subsequent’ in a translation. I’m unhappy that such an authoritative source and person should spread this incorrect information. Was it not corrected by the other two lawyers at that session in May? The customer had cut out the article and kept it because he constantly has to deal with such terms.
Another point I disagree with is on p. 2547, where it says that ‘notwithstanding’ is often translated into German as unbeschadet, whereas it means the exact opposite. No, that’s not true: notwithstanding has two meanings, and one of them is unbeschadet. Here’s what Romain says:
notwithstanding ungeachtet, unbeschadet, trotz, ohne Rücksicht auf; in Abänderung von, abweichend von, nichtsdestoweniger, dennoch, trotzdem
Note the semicolon in the middle, separating the two meanings. And you can tell the meaning from the context.
Admittedly this article wasn’t about translation. It was about the dangers of using common law language when two English speakers write a contract in English which is governed by German law. The German courts may accept some of the common-law meanings of terminology in this case. Nevertheless, in passing, these two incorrect statements are made.
<< notwithstanding has two meanings
This calls for a post on ‘notwithstanding’. The OED gives ‘in spite of’, ‘nevertheless, still, yet’ and ‘although’. I had a look at Garner but may have to come back to it with specific examples.
I wonder if the author has got into a