Some mysterious reader has nominated Transblawg as an international and foreign law blog at LexisNexis.
We don’t quite fit into any categories, but thanks anyway!
Theoretically you can improve Transblawg’s chances by commenting somewhere on the LexisNexis site, but it sounds quite a procedure.
The same happened to my I don’t see a benefit for the blog. LexisNexis seems to get a link to its site where the visitor is then thrown into the abyss. Looks like clever marketing.
Anyway, congratulations; you certainly deserve the nomination and top spot!
Hmm, you were the only person I thought might have nominated me. Probably they did do it themselves. There is a German language blogs competition which is pure advertising – that’s great, start a blog and then have a competition before you have much content yourself.
Of course, the editor of Blawg Review is a bit unpredictable.
Anyway, to do the blogs any good, it looks as if visitors have to register with LexisNexis, which I can’t see them doing.
Nice to see that they did some repointing of the mortar joints during the migration work.