Great stuff, albeit online should hold up a mirror to itself! Even as an honorary (AT) Tschusch (DE) Kanake myself, I – after consulting many grinning, local acquaintances over the years – can tell that questions 1 and 2 may well be specific to Eastern (Vienna, Lower Austria & Burgenand) but not to the Western (vor allem, Vorarlberg + Salzburg) fringes of Austria, to wit: Tschecherant, Eitrige, Jaukerl etc.
Perchance these migrants can join the ‘Rülpser Flash Mob’ and pick up the crumbs in the protests at Vienna’s Wurstel vs. Böhmischer Prater fairground. The ‘Burpers’ Brigade’ is on the wing….
Thank you. GerNet offers this Kenn den Ösi quiz in return:
Great stuff, albeit online should hold up a mirror to itself! Even as an honorary (AT) Tschusch (DE) Kanake myself, I – after consulting many grinning, local acquaintances over the years – can tell that questions 1 and 2 may well be specific to Eastern (Vienna, Lower Austria & Burgenand) but not to the Western (vor allem, Vorarlberg + Salzburg) fringes of Austria, to wit: Tschecherant, Eitrige, Jaukerl etc.