There is a new edition of the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English available, 24 euros for the paperback. Here is a PDF workbook which gives a good impression of the contents.
According to the John Benjamins Book Gazette, the new edition has 20% more material. It looks to me as if it has much more information on BE/AmE differences.
I had meanwhile gone over to the Oxford Collocations Dictionary. (amazon lets you look inside). That seems larger, and it has some pages summarizing differences which might be useful for foreign learners. In the middle, it also has some workbook pages it describes as ‘photocopiable’, which I suppose means free to use in class without copyright considerations.
Since I only use these books occasionally to get an idea for a verb combination, I appreciate the fact that I have found them both reliable and full.
The first edition used to be available online, but if anyone is looking for an online collocations dictionary (the search words that most frequently bring people to this site), Mark Davies’ page at Brigham Young University is the way to go.
As for German collocations, if you search for a word in DWDS, it will show you some collocations too.
Could you possibly tell me where I can buy the new edition of the BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English? I only found links to older editions of this dictionary. Thank you for your help in advance.
Hmm. I assume it has appeared. ISBN for the paperback is 978 90 272 3261 8. Contact for the Book Gazette, which announced it, is in ‘Amsterdam Tel. 31 20 6304747, Fax 31 20 6739773.
The advanced search at amazon doesn’t work. If I put this ISBN in Google, I do get to Barnes and Noble, where they have it as the 3rd ed., July 2009. So maybe if you contact any bookseller with this ISBN, it will work.
Thanks for your reply, MM. I’ve just found a link that took me to John Benjamins Publishing Company:
According to this publishing company’s website, the third edition of this dictionary is already available. I would have to pay more than thirty euros if I bought it from them, so I do hope it will soon be available at Again, thanks for your help. Much appreciated.