Since I wasn’t in Germany for once, I went to look at the procession of judges to the Lord Chancellor’s Breakfast.
Lord Judge, the Lord Chief Justice:
Lord Dyson, the Master of the Rolls:
A non-lawyer (no wig):
Photographing us!
A conglomeration of circuit judges:
Lord Chancellor’s Breakfast without a breakfast, 1931 (Pathé News)
Completely mad. Flocked they recall the Stamford Hill Hasidim, but the British judiciary is not, of course, an (allegedly) endogenetic sect. It’s a great shame they don’t still walk. Funerals aren’t half as much fun, and are usually much less drunken, when everyone goes by taxi.
Endogenetic? If you mean endogenous and inbred, the standing joke at the Bar is that most of these judges are descended ‘fom a long line of bachelors’ – like the brand name, peas in a pod.
Some people tell me I spell like a Hindoo strangler, but they just don’t get orthugraphy.
Actually, a funeral came down our road a couple of months ago with a man walking in front of the hearse. I hadn’t seen that before except in films of Wootton Bassett. When I saw the tipstaff etc. at the head of the procession yesterday, it reminded me of that. Does it go back to the early days when every car was preceded by a man on foot?
There were huge numbers of judges. I don’t know when they went into the cathedral – only saw a few going in.
No. It’s not a funeral procession, Margaret, but a saunter originally in the Middle Ages from Westminster Hall – the origins of being called to the Bar (nothing to do with the Bar of the court) – and Westminster Abbey.
Full marks for the beautiful snaps and capturing the good humour of the justices supreme.
You misunderstand me, Adrian – I was referring to funerals – see Trevor’s comment. The procession is actually from Westminster Abbey to Westminster Hall.
I know about the history, but what I don’t know is how it ties in today with the Red Mass, which apparently is not only in Washington D.C. but also in Westminster Cathedral. That was at 9.30. Do some of the judges go there and some to Westminster Abbey at 10.30? I saw very few entering the Abbey. I did see the Supreme Court justices in robes but unwigged proceeding from the Supreme Court to Westminster Abbey. Where were the hundreds of judges then? Did they robe up in the Abbey? How does the Cathedral fit in?
I think I understand your questions, Margaret.
1. The robing is done at the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand, unless the judges arrive already robed at Westminster. Cars convey them to Westminster Abbey from the Strand. The Queen’s Robing Room at Westminster Palace is not used for the purpose. The Supreme Court justices robe at the Middlesex Guildhall buidling of the new Supreme Court.
2. Some judges, mostly but not all Catholic, go to Westminster Cathedral – as an ecumenical or interdenominational venue like Temple Church – for the early 9.30 a.m. start at Red Mass So, for practical reasons, cases e.g. at the Royal Courts of Justice did not start until 10.30 a.m. BST today
3. That is why most disappeared and very few went to the Abbey, again as an interdenominational venue, at 10.30 a.m. Either they had no cases listed or ones starting at 2.00 p.m.
4. The timings mean that judges and others can in theory attend both services.
5. I am afraid I, non-judicially, am not privy to any other information.
Thank you, Adrian.
I was really wondering why so few appeared to go into the Abbey and so many came out. You think they robed elsewhere and were spirited into the Abbey very early, before 10 when I was watching (the service was from 11.30 to 12.30). But never mind.
So few appeared to go into the Abbey – by which entrance? You do know there is an exit doubling as an entrance and right opposite The Middlesex Guildhall Supreme Court Building. You’ll forgive me if I can’t be more explicit.
I do realize that you know all sorts of secrets about entering Westminster Abbey. I don’t know which you mean. I was outside the Supreme Court Building beforehand and I mainly watched the north entrance, if but I also had an eye on an entrance to the west, which may be the one you mean. Those could both be described as opposite the Supreme Court building. But now you mention it, I wouldn’t put it past them sneaking in some other entrance.