In The Parking Ticket Awards: Crazy Councils, Meter Madness and Traffic Warden Hell, Barrie Segal (described by some as Britain’s leading expert on traffic tickets) collects odd parking tickets. link:
The Parking Ticket Awards: Crazy Councils, Meter Madness and Traffic Warden Hell
Examples in this article:
Robert McFarland’s horse was given a parking ticket under the heading, “Vehicle Description: Brown Horse”.
A motorist who received a ticket in an NCP car park, despite returning to her car an hour early, was told the attendant had fined her because he had “reasonable cause to think she would stay longer than the four hours for which she had paid”.
Here’s a picture of a British parking ticket (not my car):
Segal also runs a website helping people to fight parking tickets. looks considerably more strait-laced.
(via Legal Juice)
Kathrin Passig hat auch ein sch
Ah yes, I seem to remember that being greatly admired a few years ago. Thanks!
Hello, would you lind if I used the parking ticket picture on our website?
Many thanks
Yes, go ahead. This was near the whelk sheds at Leigh on Sea.