Ich zitiere Bettina in Linklogbuch):
Die Generaldirektion Übersetzung der Europäischen Kommission hat den Acquis Communitaire (Rechtsvorschriften, Verträge und Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofs) in 22 Sprachen in einem Format zum Download bereitgestellt, aus dem problemlos ein Translation Memory in einer beliebigen Sprachenkombination erstellt werden kann.
I completely missed this, whenever it happened. The acquis communautaire (more or less) has now been made available by the Directorate-General for Translation in 22 languages in a form that can easily be converted into a translation memory (assuming one has enough RAM and disc space to use it). That will be a highly useful thing to have, although at the same time, I suspect, very diverse in the suggestions it makes.
There is a tool to extract the language pair you’re interested in.
There is not only the DGT TM collection, but also a corpus for linguistics research called JRC-Acquis. Read more at:
Information in English
As of November 2007, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Translation (DGT) made publicly accessible its multilingual Translation Memory for the Acquis Communautaire – a collection of parallel texts (texts and their translation, also referred to as bi-texts) in 22 languages. On this page, you will find a summary of this unique resource and instructions on where to download it and how to produce bilingual aligned corpora for any of the 231 language pair combinations (462 language pair directions).