I was wondering how to translate buchhalterisch runden, aka kaufmännisch runden.
I know what it means – it means rounding up or down, literally in the ‘accountants’ style’.
Here I do think I can rely on the German Wikipedia:
Das Kaufmännische Runden geschieht wie folgt:
* Ist die Ziffer an der ersten wegfallenden Dezimalstelle eine 0,1,2,3 oder 4, dann wird abgerundet.
* Ist die Ziffer an der ersten wegfallenden Dezimalstelle eine 5,6,7,8 oder 9, dann wird aufgerundet.Diese Rundungsregel wird durch die Norm DIN 1333 beschrieben. Das Runden wird so auch häufig in der Schule gelehrt.
English Wikipedia is self-described as unreliable, but says:
Round-to-even method
This method, also known as unbiased rounding, convergent rounding, statistician’s rounding, Dutch rounding, Gaussian rounding, or bankers’ rounding, exactly replicates the common method of rounding except when the digit(s) following the rounding digit starts with a five and has no non-zero digits after it.
Note that, according to this article, this is not identical to the ‘common method’. See the talk page for the dispute, and also three discussions on LEO. One suggestion there is ’round to nearest ($)’, but that is ambiguous.
This led to quite a discussion on two lists. One opinion is just to write ’round’. That doesn’t seem precise enough to me, in a contract, or, as was also suggested, in building specifications. But to define it precisely would take a lot of words. Others want to translate buchhalterisch or kaufmännisch literally. On top of that, it is apparently met most frequently in accounting, but that was not my context.