St. Jude’s Day Storm/Orkantief “Christian”

It’s strange coming back a day after the storm that hit the UK and hearing on the German news how the same storm is described here.

In the UK the reference to wind speeds seemed more common, but on German TV I heard about 12 on the Beaufort scale. In the UK the storm, originally ‘probably the worst storm since the 1987 storm’, became ‘the St. Jude’s Day storm’, whereas in Germany it was ‘Orkantief Christian’.

The Daily Telegraph remarks that in the UK we don’t name storms:

Laura Young of the Met Office said it wasn’t them. “We don’t actually know where it has come from,” she said. “We don’t name storms in the UK. It could have been Americans who named it and it was reported. Or it could be someone here saw that it was St Jude’s day and decided to name it that.” Traditionally, our storms only merit a name once we have seen the damage they have caused, not before.

LATER NOTE: I forgot the most important thing: the German reports kept showing people whose houses and cars had been damaged by falling trees and saying whether they were insured and exactly how many thousand euros’ damage had been caused. In fact, practically every report on a road traffic accident in Germany is accompanied by an immediate and precise account of the financial loss. How do they know that? I’ve never heard it in the UK.

What cooking pot is this? (photos)

Apologies for lack of posting, especially on legal topics.

In the course of clearing out part of a house, I came across a pot which looks as if it should be fitted on top of some other device. It has liquid in the bottom, like a bain marie pot, but in the top too. Can anyone tell me what it is? Google image search has not yet solved it.

John Flood: What Do Lawyers Do?

John Flood has published a revised version of his book on a Chicago law firm, called Tischmann and Weinstock for the purposes of the book: What Do Lawyers Do? An ethnography of a corporate law firm. You can get the Kindle version, and the paper versions are due shortly.

John Flood has a website and a weblog called John Flood’s Random Academic Thoughts, where there is a post with more information on the book.

I have often wondered what lawyers do myself – the book is about business lawyers rather than litigators, whose role is easier to understand. Just as people who come straight from translation studies can’t usually translate, new lawyers can’t usually act as lawyers, so I never found it out, although the firm in the book sounds very similar to the Jewish law firm where I did my articles in London, down to the arrangement of the offices. The text is rather dry on the surface, a summary of analysis, but amusing between the lines.

The main activity of lawyers is talking on the telephone with persons other than Tischmann lawyers (31.1%). If we add talking with other Tischmann lawyers by telephone the percentage rises to 23.5 percent. The second largest activity is talking face to face with other Tischmann lawyers (12%). Talking with Tischmann lawyers and others takes up 18.1 percent of lawyers’ billable time. If we sum time spent at meetings outside the office (2.6%), office meetings (0.7%), telephoning and talking face to face, we find lawyers spend 53.9 percent of their chargeable time talking. Writing, however, takes up only 20.8 percent (16.3% – drafting; 4.5% – revising). … Research is an activity mainly carried out by associates.

All the office staff are considered.

All the support staff had to log in and out during the day. If they were late, their salaries were docked. Because they perceived their salaries already low, many secretaries left after having their salaries reduced. Much of the office gossip turned on how much of a “bastard” the office manager was, and who was about to suffer his wrath next. Some of the secretaries were aggrieved at how they were treated by the office manager. They felt he conveniently forgot the many occasions when they came in during weekends to help their attorneys, when he decided to dock their pay for some infraction.

I’m looking forward to reading the rest. I think I first read John Flood on barristers’ clerks, a mysterious species – here’s a blog post on them.


I’ve complained about the fake consistency of Haribo (Hans Riegel, Bonn) liquorice before (this has been followed by the reshaping of one kind of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk in diarrhoea-like blobs – see pictures in the Daily Mail here).

It may seem churlish to repeat it after the death of Hans Riegel, the founder of Haribo, this week.

But immediately I saw the heading in the Guardian online: ‘Haribo: an addict’s story‘, I knew there must be a German behind it. And of course, it is Philip Oltermann, apparently now living in Berlin. I’ve written about Oltermann’s book here before too. I think it is all very well for him to write about Germany for the Guardian, but should he be praising a firm that has taken over some confectionery it doesn’t understand? I don’t mind the gummy bears (although it seems Haribo actually has the temerity to produce jelly babies).

The story does have a legal aspect, though, since the yellow gummy bear is called the Goldbär and Lindt tried to enforce this name for their gold-foil bear.

The German confectionery giant has managed to engrain itself in Britain’s sweetshop psyche in a remarkable way.


I wouldn’t have minded eating the jelly Holy Family, though.

Die Novaks aus Prag

I can’t find time to write about legal translation so instead I offer a song: Die Novaks aus Prag, by Hermann Leopoldi. I find the melody hard to hit right in the shower.

Sie kennen die Novaks, die Novaks aus Prag
Sie haben sie sicher gekannt.
Ein Gansl bei Novaks am Sonntag in Prag
berühmt war im böhmischen Land.

Gewohnt haben die Novaks am Altstädter Ring.
Ihre Wohnung war stets aufgeräumt.
Der einzige Fehler, den Novaks gehabt,
sie waren so schrecklich verträumt.

Es träumte der Leo von Montevideo,
von Damen, die flüstern: “Senore,
die Nacht ist gemacht für Amore”.
Die Tante, die Anna, die träumt’ von Havanna
die Sehnsucht von Arthur, dem Jüngsten,
war ein Stierkampf in Lisbon zu Pfingsten.

Die Köchin Marianka träumt’ von Casablanca,
die Tochter, die Mali, träumt’ von Tänzen in Bali,
von Shanghai und Bombay,
ach, schön ist die Welt!
Die Novaks, die träumen
in den eigenen Räumen
von einer Sehnsucht
der herrlichen Welt.

Der Fußtritt der Zeit hat die Novaks gekickt,
sie wurden aus Träumen geweckt.
Den böhmischen Löwen, den hat man verkauft,
die Gansln, die haben sich versteckt.
Marschierende Schritte, ein Führer, ein Volk,
da hat man im Schnellzug gesehen,
die Wrbas, die Krejcis, die Bilys, die Krcs,
doch was ist mit Novaks geschehen?

Es sitzt jetzt der Leo in Montevideo,
er denkt nicht mehr an die Senoras,
er hat jetzt ganz andere Zoras.
Die Tante, die Anna, die sitzt in Havanna,
und wartet auf Arthur, den jüngsten,
denn der Dampfer von Lisbon kommt Pfingsten.

Die Köchin Marianka sitzt in Casablanca,
die Tochter, die Mali, hat kein Visum von Bali
nach Shanghai und Bombay.
Und lang wird der Tag,
die Novaks, die träumen,
in gemieteten Räumen
von einem Ort nur,
sie träumen von Prag.

There’s a bit in the middle reminiscent of Kreisler’s Telefonbuchpolka (lyrics):

Vondrak, Vortel, Viplaschil
Voytech, Vozzek, Vimladil
Viora, Vrabel, Vrtilek
Viglasch, Vrazzeck, Vichnalek
Vregga, Vrba, Vikodill
Vrablic, Vutzemm, Viskocil
Vochedecka, Vuggelic
Vrtatko, Vukasinowitc
Vorrak, Vondru, Vorlicek
Voralek, Vosmik, Vorlik, Vrba, Vrtl
Vodrupa, Vozenilek
Vrinis, Vostarek
Vrtala und Viplacil
Vrzala und Vistlacil
Vouk, Vudipka, Vicesal
Vrazdil, Vrana, Vimmedall
Vrbizki, Vrbezki, Vranek.