Updated website/Bürgerinitiative Eine Bessere Mitte Fürth

The Fürth citizens’ action group Eine Bessere Mitte Fürthhas revamped its website, where you can now see some other current shopping centres, including the Alexa in Berlin, built by Sonae Sierra (Fakten), the proposed better alternative (Vision) and reports in the media (Medien).

There is an article, In der City nur noch Ramsch, largely on Fürth in Focus online.

Muskrat misnamed/Umbenennen der Bisamratte?

The animal party wants to rename the muskrat:

Partij voor de Dieren wil nieuwe naam muskusrat

PERSBERICHT Groningen, 6 oktober 2008 – Als onderdeel van de zojuist gestarte campagne voor de waterschapsverkiezingen, lanceert de Partij voor de Dieren een wedstrijd rondom het bedenken van een nieuwe naam voor de muskusrat. De muskusrat is namelijk helemaal geen rat, maar een soort woelmuis. Hij staat dichter bij de hamster en de bever dan bij de zwarte en de bruine rat.

(via Onze Taal)

Election posters/Wahlplakate 3

No. 1 (unblemished view in earlier entry):

2 (a much nicer shot) on September 6:

3 on September 19 (I suppose that white space was asking for it):

4 On Saturday September 20, when the campaigners were out again:

The CSU faces are usually attacked first:

And finally, here’s one that is too high to be easily defaced. It shows signs of photoshopping – Bavaria, the place where the sun shines from at least two directions at once:

Fürth sites/Fürther Webseiten

I seem to have missed the Kantinenblogger, who posts photos of his canteen meals every day, mainly from Fürth, but also from Nuremberg, Munich and Auburn Hills (I assume the large proportion of sweetcorn kernels is a matter of choice).

(Discovered from print edition of Fürther Nachrichten)

Another site that has started is about the natural surroundings: www.natuerlich-fuerth.de

In the Stadtzeitung, the Oberbürgermeister reports on how many birds have been seen along the railway line: the black stork (Schwarzstorch), nightingale (Nachtigall), green-footed moorhens (Grünfüßige Teichhühner), the golden oriole (Pirol) and the curlew (Großer Brachvogel).

I wasn’t hopeful of seeing nightingales, a search for the black stork has failed so far – have seen a kingfisher though – I doubt the curlew will be strolling around close, but I was interested by the green-footed moorhen – until I realized that all moorhens are green-footed.

Here is a juvenile moorhen hiding its feet:

and here a muskrat (they must have heard there is no price on their heads at the moment):