Minor criminal offences/Bagatelldelikte

Can anyone tell me what criminal offence is to be reported to the police here?

These people must have been very angry for a long time. One is almost tempted to give them the Sonntagsblitz (an advertising paper with some local news, produced I think by the Nürnberger/Fürther Nachrichten).

Here are some less angry people:

See earlier entry on Communicating with the postman.


I have been slow to post recently, but I did spend two days attempting to update my weblog software, until fortunately the problem was solved and the work done by Garvin Hicking, who is the Serendipity developer, with the help of the user Timbalu, who first realized that the MySQL database on my provider’s site was extremely ancient and the mysterious feedback I was getting, e.g. suggesting I increase permissions on subdirectories I could not even see, resulted from MySQL being unable to cope with the data. My fault, no doubt, as I had not updated since 2007.

To make up for the silence, here is a photo taken in Fürth last week.

Although I haven’t heard mention of the royal wedding in my many phone calls with the UK, I gather from the German press that everyone in the UK is really excited about it. If so, you might consider the book Knit Your Own Royal Wedding (amazon.de, Daily Telegraph).

Here is a picture of a bookstand at Erlangen station. Things were not like this twenty years ago:

Now an example of new German, in case you are out of touch:

And finally, taken this morning, part of a flea market outside the TV shop run by Ingomar Schnatzky:

Harvest Festival procession/Erntedankfestzug

The harvest festival procession at the Kirchweih was last Sunday, so this is a late report. This photo shows the integration of immigrants, with the oxcart followed by the Turkish group with a portrait of Atatürk.

Here is Barbara Ohm, who has been the principal local historian and guide for years:

Here’s another local dignitary (or two):

And this is what it looks like today, after the Kirchweih (the weather was very good this year). Not many town centres are given over to a funfair to this extent):

Kriminalmuseum Fürth

On the way back from the sewage plant, I came past the new Kriminalmuseum, a sort of police museum under the Rathaus which opened this week but is only generally open at the weekend.

There are quite a number of rooms, on history, things confiscated by the customs, police organization and buildings, drugs, forgery, right-wing extremism (with various flags and emblems), DNA, fingerprints, forbidden weapons, the courts and so on.

The picture I took seems to be the most popular one, looking at the other images online.

Sewage plant open day/Tag der offenen Kläranlage

Having got my free poster (see recent entry), a brochure and some pens, I had to consider attending the event.

The weekend was supposed to be wet, but it wasn’t raining today and there was even some sun when I was on the viewing platform on top of the digestion tower (Faulturm).

It was supposed to be a great view. I have seen Fürth from several towers and the Klinikum and the Solarberg, but this was the view that showed to best effect the way the two multistorey blocks ruin the skyline (Sparkasse and Bahnhof).

There were too many trees, or they were too leafy, to see Nuremberg Castle.

Here are the digestion towers: